Wednesday, April 29, 2009

April Showers

Does the old rhyme about April showers bringing May flowers hold true if the showers come in the form of two inches of snow? I told myself not to do it, I knew better, but I'd really gotten attached to looking out my window and seeing green grass. The poor fat robins huddled in the leafless trees look so pathetic!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


It's pretty clear to me that I will never have children. I never really thought I would but there was a point somewhere in my late 20s where I might of sort of kind of thought that maybe it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. That era is over. I feel a little bad that my mom won't have grandkids (my dad has grandkids through my step-brother, so he's fine), she'd be a great grandmother, but other than a little guilt over being the end to this branch of the family tree, I'm pretty "whatev" about it all. All of this is really just a prelude to telling the internet that I had to give Freckles a time-out today. She was being a complete butt-head to Sugar, chasing and harassing, and basically bothering the poor creaky old dear who just wants to sleep all day and occasionally cuddle if the mood is right. So I locked Freckles in the bathroom for five minutes. It worked and she was a reasonably decent cat for the rest of the day. Score.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Today started with a three hour IM conversation with Zach about our astrological charts and the ways in which we've been totally fucked by the stars. This afternoon, without really thinking about it, I poured myself a glass of scotch while I was pulling together the ingredients for bread. I should do the latter more often and the former NEVER AGAIN.

Monday, April 20, 2009


I went on a three hour hike today. My first real hike of the season. I would have liked to have stayed out longer but I'd under-estimated how much the snow had retreated and therefore how much ground I'd be able to cover and came out without enough water for a longer day tramping through the woods. Of course, I wasn't hiking the whole three hours. I spent plenty of time sitting on rocks catching my breath. I'm pretty heinously out of shape after my winter of near-hibernation. It felt really good.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Status Updates

Yesterday evening about this time there were 9 elk grazing in my pasture. I just heard some sand hill cranes flying by.

I spent two hours weeding and re-edging a flower bed this afternoon. I wore my hoodie wrapped around my waist and flip flops on my feet.

My computer might be dying. The power cord only actually delivers power when propped at an odd angle against my knee. I wonder how long it will be before it gives up the ghost completely. And what the hell I'll do when that happens.

Today while changing the bedding I took off one of the down comforters. I didn't store it too far away, but it's off for the time being.

I have an ugly looking burn on my clavicle the exact size of a match head. Stupid weak-ass matches. I think it will leave a scar.

I just finished an insane mystery set at a boy's boarding school by that guy who wrote Lost Horizon. It fed all my worst 1920's English fantasies.

I'm wearing summer lounging clothes. There are no socks, sleeves, layers, or wool garments of any kind on my body.

Except for being ruinously poor and having no idea what to do about it, I'm feeling pretty good about life right at this particular minute.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I've had trouble waking up in the mornings lately. It's not depression, it's not the cats walking across my head all night long and interrupting my sleep - it's these insanely vivid dreams I've been having. (And maybe the cats, a little.) I forget them pretty shortly once I'm fully alert, but for maybe an hour after I first start staggering into wakefulness I've been able to keep them going and it's just a temptation impossible to resist. They're so pretty. I know no one likes hearing about other people's dreams. But from this morning I remember wolves, a moated castle and, oddly, brightly coloured balloon animals. Could YOU tear yourself away from that?