Thursday, December 28, 2006

Who takes an entire week to move out of a one bedroom apartment?

Me! My movers finally came this morning and picked up my furniture and the other stuff I'm willing to live without for the foreseeable future. But am I ready to leave? Of course not! I have stacks and piles and mounds of things that need to be sorted. One small pile of things that will actually fit in my car, one small pile of things that I can ship to myself, one large pile of things that need to be donated to Goodwill (I've already taken a full car-load there this week) and a GINORMOUS pile of things that need to be toted, oh so laboriously, down to the dumpsters in the basement. Not to mention the trips I still have to make to get my oil changed, turn in my cable modem, close my bank account . . . I haven't moved in three whole years, and somehow managed to forget how much work it is to move, even when you don't have to carry the heavy stuff. Those 30 gallon bags of clothes for Goodwill are heavy enough. My entire body aches and I'm gobbling ibuprophen like candy. The one good thing is that for the first time in months I feel absolutely no guilt for not taking advantage of my building's gym while I have the chance.

Optimistically, I'll start driving sometime tomorrow. Realistically, I'll start driving on Saturday. Either way, this is my last night of regular internet for awhile. Wish me good weather and pet-friendly motels.

1 comment:

Laura Ingalls Wilder said...

I wish only the best for you. May you have safe travels. I look forward to reading as you go.
Miss you very much already. Love always, LIW.