Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Valley County Scene

I took my garbage to the solid waste transfer station this afternoon. Dangling from the rafters of the gatehouse was a dead coyote. I don't know if it had been caught in a trap, or hit by a car, or shot. And I didn't stick around to ask. I kept my head down, tossed my bags in the dumpster, and got the hell out of there.


Bailey Quarters said...

I went to the DC Solid Waste Transfer Center recently. Interesting experience. But no dead coyotes.

Red Fraggle said...

So I guess it's safe to assume that you don't have any trash pickup?

Corina said...

No trash pick up. I think I could get it, but it's not worth the money given how little trash I produce. I'd have to go anyway to drop off my recycling, so . . .

It's definitely my least favorite thing about living here. I miss the garbage chute down the hall in my old building!