Friday, February 22, 2008


At this point I'm just waiting for the fucking bar exam to be OVER already. I'm sick of not studying for it, and I'm sure you're all sick of me writing about how panicked/bored I am because of it, and it's just time to move on already.

If I were a little more self-aware, or felt up for a long introspective post, I could turn this into a deep examination of how for 30 years I've been waiting for something to start/end so my "real" life could begin. But I've had that epiphany before, and other than various vows to "seize the day already!" that peter out the next time I get antsy with the status quo or have a grand idea that can't be implemented immediately . . . let's just all take that as written/read.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're almost there! Good luck! It will all be over soon . . .