Monday, November 19, 2007

It's Addictive

Once I start taking pictures of the cats I just can't stop. These photos are pretty representative of the differences between the two. Freckles is such a little ham. An adorable ham, but one just begging for someone to rub her belly. And see what I mean about the complete destruction of the carpet?

And then there is sweet, elegant Sugar. Has there EVER been a cat as skilled at posing? I mean she takes the effort to choose the most suitable background available! Unlike Freckles, she would never be photographed rolling around in carpet shreds. Sugar would totally win ANTM if Tyra would stop being so obsessed with only letting people compete.The camera loves her.

1 comment:

Red Fraggle said...

OMG, the photos of Sugar and Freckles are absolutely adorable. Emma would never allow herself to be photographed with her belly out either. In fact, Emma only sits in lady-like poses.

I hadn't seen a Sugar photo for awhile. So pretty!