Saturday, March 15, 2008

Depressed or DST?

I've been having a hell of a time getting out of bed this last week. It makes me nervous. This lingering drag when the alarm goes off, the desire to fall back into dreams and darkness, is usually the first sign of a bout with depression. But this time I really think that it's just the switch to DST last weekend. Am I the only person who loathes DST not because it steals an hour of my life (which it does, and yes, I hate it for that reason too) but because it steals an hour of daylight from my already dark mornings? Evening sunshine is fine, I don't object to it, if given a choice I would choose more of it . . . but not in exchange for going backwards. I would not choose to undo the earlier and earlier sunrises that were telling my body, naturally, that spring is on its way. Because that is a message my body desperately needs this year. It's been such a long dark winter. There will be snow on the ground for months more. DAMN YOU FOR MAKING MY MORNINGS DARKER!

1 comment:

Red Fraggle said...

I feel the same exact way every morning. But I far prefer the extra hour of light at night to the extra hour in the morning.