Thursday, January 31, 2008

Stupid Snow

The Valley County schools are closed. They don't close schools here for a little snow, they're only closed if the roads are REALLY bad. I guess 6 inches of snow overnight and 40 mph wind gusts qualifies. And I have to go to work today. Stupid work. I like work, really I do, but I like it a lot more when the roads aren't death traps. I'm actually considering bringing a change of clothes with me today so that I can get a hotel room and not drive home tonight if the roads make me too nervous (the forecast calls for another 5-8 inches today, and 2-4 inches tonight.) That's insane right? I mean, a hotel room costs more than I make in two days of work. But . . . I have to make it in (the owners are out of town) and . . . tonight Lost comes back, and if I had a hotel room I could watch it . . . Hmmm. That is sounding like a better and better idea. Assuming, of course, I make it into McCall at all this morning and don't get stuck in a snow drift. Fingers crossed for me y'all.

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