Sunday, October 14, 2007


I'm (possibly unhealthily) obsessed with the idea of winning the lottery. Everybody reading this knows that I truly believe that someday I'll win so much money that all this torturous indecision about what I'm going to do with my life will turn into torturous indecision about how I'm going to save and invest and spend the huge piles o' cash that the fine folks at Powerball will be depositing into my checking account. And part of the completely illogical thinking behind this absolute certainty that someday I will win a jackpot, is that I've never won so much as a dollar with all the tickets I've bought. Not once. (Can you see where this is going?) Well, I've gotten my retired uncle, who has a nice fat government pension and no real need for a lottery win, addicted to buying tickets too (he wants to win so that my mom and I can retire. Say it with me, "aw!") So last night he realized that it was almost time for the drawing, and ran into town to pick us up two tickets. And godDAMN if my ticket didn't win three fucking dollars. ARGH! I mean, nice, three more tickets paid for, but . . . what does this do to my accumulated store of lottery luck?!?!? Was it wasted on winning THREE DOLLARS!?!?!

I know how insane this all sounds. Really, I do. But . . . still. Three dollars. Crap.

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